# California Dealers:
Immediate Action Required: California Catalytic Converter Law SB-55
Get ready, California car dealers, for a new regulation aimed at combating catalytic converter theft. For better understanding, we've prepared a FREE E-Guide + Form to help you be compliant. California Catalytic Converter Law Effective January 1st, 2024

Catalytic Converter Marking (Law SB-55)
What Will you Learn?
Discover the crucial details of California's new catalytic converter marking law, SB 55, effective January 1, 2024. This e-guide provides insights into the compliance requirements for car dealers and retail sellers, to help you understand the regulations surrounding catalytic converter theft prevention. You will also get a FREE form to use and share with your Dealer friends. Get your California Catalytic Converter Law form and e-Guide.
Get Free Form + E-Guide
Catalytic Converter Marking Law
(SB 55) E-Guide
Get Protected!
What you Need To Know?
A Brief Overview The California Catalytic Converter law requires the permanent marking of catalytic converters with the vehicle identification number (VIN) prior to sale for all new and used cars with these emission control devices.
Learn More by Downloading our Resources

Still Confused? Don't Worry!
Discuss the Catalytic Converter Marking Law Guidelines

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